Jarmo Sermilä(1939)

Jarmo Sermilä
«I have steered clear of all strict systems. I would not go so far as to claim that I am capable of composing by intuition alone, for I have indeed fallen back on a variety of little methods from the isorhythmics of Renaissance music to digital random number systems. My primary aim has been to achieve intensity rather than complexity. I must, however, hasten to add that I don't recall ever having given new simplicity a thought.» - Jarmo Sermilä


Il mondo assurdo del Signor B., für Bratsche und Tonband Kolmio alttoviululle ja harmonikalle, für Bratsche und Akkordeon Danza 4A, für Bratsche und Kontrabass


Jarmo SermiläJarmo Sermilä
Photo: Maarit Kytöharju / Music Finland